Every single day, we have an impact on the world around us. How we want to make a difference is up to us. Having this in mind, we are honored to welcome Kirsten Haglund, a powerful voice in our community of health and wellbeing, passionate about doing great things for the good of our beautiful people and the planet.

Q: I want to start by congratulating you on the launch of the We Are W platform and online studio, Kirsten. Can you share the story and inspiration behind it?

I joined the team at We Are W this fall - it was started as a “COVID baby” by two of my former indoor cycling coach colleagues. We had worked together before and so the friendship, trust and mutual respect for the quality of each other’s work was already there. Now we all coach together online rather than in a studio, wanting to meet people where they’re at, give them an uplifting, wonderful sweat session from the comfort of their own home in a way that fits in with their busy lives. We have a Ride, a Rave (which is like Pilates to the beat of the music), and Rest (which includes classes like Yoga and Nutrition Coaching). It’s a wonderful team I’m proud to be a part of. The philosophy of We Are W is that it is a place to come and just be - a daily practice that is about self-care, expression and mindfulness, not about punishing our bodies or just “working out.” It’s totally holistic.

Q: You are an amazing Lagree and Barre coach and a true warrior on a mission to pursue the good and beautiful. Our readers want to learn more about you and your story.

I grew up training in the performing arts - classical ballet, voice, piano and drama, so music and physical expression is a part of my soul and who I am. My professional career over the years has spanned from the arts, to fitness, to television news and journalism, to communications and marketing and mental health advocacy, from Los Angeles to New York City and now here in Zurich. My own recovery from an eating disorder as a young ballet dancer was what motivated me to create a different framework of how I looked at movement and my relationship with my body and beauty, and something that I now take into everything that I do. My guiding focus in whatever environment I am in is to cultivate a sense of peace and acceptance of myself and of others, to foster connection, and encourage an attitude of grace.

Q: We had the pleasure of getting to know you through our dear friend Damien and BoosterTransform, an excellent destination for those who want to sweat for improved energy, strength, mood, and more. How do you feel about working with the team? Do you have a favorite BoosterTransform moment?

The team at Booster is incredible! Kind, supportive, authentic, and committed to excellence. I feel lucky to be a part. My favorite Booster moments are when I’m able to help a client find a way of moving that relieves pain or feel their muscles work in a different way, or discover an alignment correction that totally changes the game in their development of muscular endurance. When they find that aha! Moment and it gives them so much joy and changes the way they feel and inhabit their bodies…it really makes me feel so lucky to be able to do what I do.

Q: What does wellbeing with a good impact mean to you, and how does it manifest itself in your everyday life?

When we invest in our own well-being, we’re automatically in turn investing in others’, because we can’t be a positive influence on anyone else unless we’re able to take care of ourselves first. For me, it means simple things like getting recovery days, listening to my body and honoring my needs, drinking enough water and getting enough sleep, and also letting go of perfectionism - and that is a daily practice!

Q: To make the planet feel good, what are the values you would like to see spread?

I would love it if we could consume and waste less. We can all do our part. We don’t need as much as we think. Things will never make us happy. Let’s live smaller and smarter and with less stimulation. Excess is exhausting, for us, and for nature. But consuming and wasting less sometimes involves sacrificing some convenience or comfort in our lives. Are we willing to do that? Why do we make comfort our God? It’s worth it to give some of that up for the preservation of our own selves and the planet.

Q: As an expert, I understand that people are curious about your supplement recommendations. What is your approach to supplementation, both gender-wise and based on what time of day to take them? The question is always an open one!

There is no one size fits all approach to health - every body is different and needs something different, and also those needs change with age, with time, with how active we are, with hormonal fluctuations, etc. My approach to supplements has been a journey, and I am always evaluating my supplements based on bloodwork results, my energy levels and current schedule, and what I’m able to get or not get sufficiently from my diet.

Q: Can you tell us a bit about your experience with Sanbera Essential Day to Day Women? Having tried other good supplements in the past, how does Essential Women differ from them for you?

There are honestly a lot of poor quality supplements on the market that make a lot of health promises, but corners are cut in ingredient quality and sourcing, with little to no direction on how or when to take them for the best absorption, that all you end up with is a lot of wasted cash and all those lovely vitamins peed out into the toilet. I’m not joking! What I really respect about Sanbera is the no frills approach - a commitment to the highest quality ingredients, high bioavailability, a different formula for men and women respecting that way our bodies, metabolisms and hormones differ, and from the philosophy of the founders, a mission to truly help people to improve their daily health rather than just get them to buy products. I’ve noticed a marked difference in including Essential Women as a part of my supplement regimen, including better skin, better sleep, and more sustained energy levels throughout the day.

Q: As the end of the year approaches, would you recommend Essential Women as a gift of wellbeing and doing good?

Absolutely! It is a wonderful gift idea - we don’t usually need more “things,” but gifting Sanbera is like a little gift of self-care, it’s something that keeps on giving! It is something that sustains good health and nutrition, and you can also feel good knowing that from a production standpoint as well, it’s ethically and sustainably packaged and produced.

Q: How have your wellbeing and beauty routine changed with the new season? Is there a self-care ritual you recommend to our readers?

I definitely incorporate more self-massage with oil, since everything gets so dry so quickly as winter approaches. I almost never drink cold water, only room temperature or warm. And I listen to my body and incorporate naps to keep the engine going. I also get outside as much as possible when it is light since the days are shorter; the fresh air and being out in nature is so healthy for body and mind!

Q: What's next on the horizon for you?

I look to the horizon but I focus on the day to day. I like to stay present. Right now I’m focusing on helping to build We Are W, to become the very best coach I can be, to grow in creativity and compassion, and I’m also looking forward to starting a Master’s program in February. Rather than focus too much on the future, covid had taught me to hold the future lightly, with open hands, b
ecause there’s so little we can predict or control. All I can do is enjoy and blossom a little bit more into each day I’m given.

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